If the insurance company disagrees with our position on your behalf, and all other avenues to resolve the dispute are unsuccessful, we may file a lawsuit with your approval.
Litigation is often a necessary step to resolution, and it is important to retain an attorney group who is willing to try the case in front of a jury to resolve your claim. Even after the filing of a lawsuit, our general goal is to resolve your claim fairly and efficiently. Litigation is costly, time-consuming and subjects you as the policyholder to voluminous requests for information, depositions, and other forms of sworn testimony, often causing you stress and anxiety. We utilize a two-tiered approach to litigation by using multiple attorneys to attempt resolution through different, yet equally effective, avenues.
We also may utilize co-counsel relationships with tried-and-true trial attorneys to take your claim the distance. Co-counsel agreements are crucially important in giving you the ability to negotiate and litigate your claim in a way that allows for a soft, then hard, approach to resolving your claim. As the client, you get the best of both worlds, for the same attorney fee. No additional fee is added to your recovery because of a co-counsel arrangement. All co-counsel agreements will be fully disclosed to you in writing prior to us entering any such arrangement so that you are aware of the fees and the division of those fees. Our firm has a unique ability to resolve claims in a collegial and amicable way. By separating the collegial aspects of the claim with the disputed ones, we are often able to avoid escalation to a lawsuit, thereby saving the policyholder time and money.
Should prolonged litigation be necessary to resolve your claim dispute, we are equipped to handle the case up to and including trial. If you are interested in learning more about our litigation approach, please feel free to contact us directly.